April 11, 2009

Work at home mom's user guide

Earn a living at home while taking care of the children and family

A work at home mom's guide to successfully building a real business on the net.

This blog is dedicated to the devoted mom's who have been sacrificing their time and career for the good of their children and family. Yes, moms also have an ambition, they have a dream. They also would want to do something useful and creative for themselves. They would like to build a reputable career.

Are you one of these moms?
* At home with babies or toddlers
* A mom with kids at school

or may be your are
* a single parent
* Unable to get back into the job market.
* Finding part-time work inconvenient, unfulfilling or badly paid.
* Working at home, either offline or online.
* A stay-at-home mom, who'd like to contribute to the family income, but
doesn't know how to do it.

Then you should look at the world from a different angle. Let the world come to you. Create a successful online business. Sit at home behind your desk and get the money flowing.

The next topic will help you understand how you could develop a successful website and become one of the mom entrepreneurs.

Have you thought of the idea of owning your own website while staying at home. All it needs is some time to maintain the website. There are loads of wonderful ideas that can be created. The ideas may sound stupid but moms around the world have become successful entrepreneurs at home. Not only they have a successful business and income sources, they also have all the time to take care of their toddlers.

Here are some examples:

Toddler development : tell the world about how your kids grow and give others useful advice.

Cooking : Why not show your talent in cooking. Write ebooks, recipes and interesting articles about cooking.

Gardening: show them your talent in gardening.

Family caring:

Do these ideas look like a business to you, I suppose not, although many entrepreneurs are making money by selling these ideas.

But creating a website does not happen in two clicks of the mouse. it requires planning and creating.

In order to help you understand, how it works, please look at the link below and download the free e-book. This e-book was created by 4 Working at home moms who decided to share their experience with other moms around the world.

This Masters Course covers...
* all the how-to information you need to get started.
* inspiring stories of real-life SBI! WAHMs and their Websites.
* tips on managing your household and family successfully while you work.

This ebook is a must read it will inspire you to get started. Click on the link to download your free e-book today

WAHM Masters Course

April 5, 2009

Beware of Online Banking Scams

This is an important message for people who access their banks through online systems.

For a number of months, I have been receiving e-mail messages from various banks in order to validate my online access codes. The funniest part is that, I have no accounts with these banks.

I have always ignored them. I knew that they were scams but did not realize how dangerous it could have been if the criminals had used my own bank name to send me me the following e-mail.

Not doubting my bank, I would have most probably tried to correct my log in details as I am an extensive user of online banking. I hardly get time to go to a local branch. Luckily, the occasion did not arise for me.

Have you received e-mails messages asking you to valid your account details? If so, don't ever do it. If ever in doubt, then you should contact immediately you local branch or the branch where your account is held to correct the information with them.

I am writing this blog today because I read an article published in the Sunday Business Post today. And it has struck me in the head.

Fraudsters have launched phishing attacks on banks here in Ireland. A certain number of the banks have been affected by this phishing. I am sure that it is not only in Ireland but all over the world. So I do hope this message reaches the maximum number of people.

Phishing occurs when criminals use fraudulent e-mails to trick consumers into logging onto a fake online banking website and revealing their bank login details.

The articles states that the banks have detected 100 fake websites so far this year compared to 75 websites in 2008. These fraudulent sites are increasing rapidly.

So far the banks have intercepted these e-mails and never get as far as the consumers. Some of the consumers have been affected and the unlucky consumers could be scammed for as much as €30,000.

So my personal advice to you, if ever in doubt contact directly your bank and delete the e-mails you receive, never even open them.

My website (under development)

I created my website with the Site Build It. An excellent web hosting company. It has an excellent learning package and teaches you step by step how to create a website. With them you do not need any Html or computer knowledge. They have excellent back office tools for creating contents and monetizing techniques. Please click on the link below to learn more. It is a video which will take you through the different stages and will also show testimonials of other successful entrepreneurs.

Site Build It!